Friday, July 23, 2010

Welcome to Alicia Hudgins' Photography Site!

I have decided to take up photography since I have two great subjects to photograph; my two kids.  This is starting to become a big hobby of mine, and I have started taking pictures for friends as well.  I haven't taken any classes, so it will take me longer to learn photography, but hopefully the more pictures I take, the better I will get at it. 

I will use this site to post some of the pictures I have taken.  Feel free to leave comments about the pictures.  What you like about the picture, or don't like.  I can take critique well, and it will only help me to get better. 

Check back often for new pictures!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Alicia, you're doing a fabulous job! I loved looking at your photos! I am not as skilled as you, but also enjoy my camera! Great job, and keep it up! ~Kim Y.